What will you bring to the table?
Everyone of us has something special that God has designed for us to bring to the Body (Church) to build His kingdom. People are hesitant because they don't know what to do. Eph 4:16: He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work. It helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, and growing and full of love.
Everybody finding the place that they have in the Body of Christ really matters. When we don't know what we are meant to be doing, or we do know and aren't doing it, we are robbing the body of Christ and preventing it from growing to the full extent that it could grow. And possibly robbing someone of finding the love that is found in Jesus Christ.
Julia then tells a story of an encounter with a leader from London Hillsong. This leader felt that she didn't have permission to bring her gift. Julia asked "From whom do you want permission?"
You need to know what you need to bring to the table. There are "Kingdom" things that I can always contribute. Encouragement. Affection. Ask God, who do I need to bless? If there is something else to bring then He will ask me to bring it as I'm in that stance of inquiring and asking of Him.
We ask ourself: "What is our place?" We are all looking for something to contribute. We tend to seek the "recognisable accolade"; Something that people would acknowledge and give praise for. Our insecurities make us feel this way, as we crave for the recognition of others.
Our accolade is actually from Our Father. We are called to take our place and fulfill the call of God. To reach His Throne at the end of our lives and hear those words: "Well done, good and faithful servant". Our calling is found in our everyday, ordinary lives.
Why do we long for the accolade of others? We must make a conscious decision to contribute to His Church and to the people in our everyday lives.
We have 24 hours to serve Jesus and take our place at the "table" and serve where no-one will ever see, but He will. We receive our reward in heaven, rather than seeking the accolade on earth.
What can I bring to the table in my marriage? Gods kingdom come and His will be done in my Husbands life. Praying that he will become everything he is destined to be. I am called to be his main cheerleader. Soar beyond the limits of what he would have if I hadn't encouraged him.
As a Mum, what can I bring? Sometimes our gift won't bring much accolade but it WILL change someones life. Make sure my kids are in a position to encounter Jesus. Being at "His Table" It's not always glamorous, it's very little about being front and centre, and having an audience. Often, the most unglamorous situations are the most powerful, not just on the platform.
Eph 5:15-17: Be careful how you live. Make the most of every opportunity as the days are evil. Understand what the Lord wants you to do.
God wants me to be His hand-piece, His mouth-piece, His foot piece, every single minute of my day. Understand what the Lord wants me to do. What can we confidently bring to His table?
What can we bring to the table?
1) Me: we are the best "me" that the world is ever going to have. If we never work out that we have something to bring, the world will never be its best. We can bring our gifts and talents, our smile and our "lean in". Ps139:14: I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. We must learn to like being me, enjoy being me. The disastrous game of comparison prevents us from doing what God has called us to do. The Creator made us the way we are, He loves us! We don't have to bring something that we are not. Bring ourselves confidently to the table.
2) Once we like who we are, then we are more likely to bring our gifts and talents to the table. Eph 4:7: He has given each one of us one special gift. Through the generosity of Christ. He didn't give us a little, He gave us the right portion for us, so that we could be a blessing to His body, to other people. What are your gifts and talents?
Rom 12:6: Different gifts according to the grace given to each one of us. One question we have to ask our-self? Are we bringing those gifts and talents to the table of the Lord , to build Jesus Christ into others. To reveal Jesus Christ. To reveal the greatness and majesty of Jesus. He uses US to reveal who He is.
3) We have the privilege of bringing humility to the table. Nothing more ugly than someone who is full of pride. Humility brings others close. No wonder people want to draw close to Jesus when we are humble. Rom 12:3: Grace given to me. Do not think of yourself more highly than you should. Have sober judgement according to the faith distributed to each of you, and act that way.
True humility brings other close, rather than propels them away. True humility promotes others. Other people get excited about the possibilities in THEIR life.
4) Celebration of others. We can bring a celebration of others to the table. When was the last time we held a celebration over someone else's life just because they are awesome. Looking to make a decision to input into others. Throw a party of awesomeness over their life. Celebrate someone else. Don't look for people to encourage us, its not about us. Make a decision to throw a party over someone else. Bring someone else close. Acknowledge someone else. Create a party atmosphere. We are called to enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise. Shout praise for one another. Jesus Christ is glorified when we celebrate others.
5) One of the worlds' dying arts is "smiling". Have a smile that lights up the room. Simply bring your smile. Tell your face you are a Christian. "Face! You love the Lord." Let that love for Him shine out. A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face. Prov 15:13. Our smile can change a shop assistants face. Our smile can change our day, and everyone else's around us.
6) Bring an obvious love for Jesus. John 15:13 Greater love has no-one than this than He would lay down His life for His friends. Bring obvious love. Shown with words and actions, and being Jesus.
7) All of us have the ability to bring a life that is changing and becoming more like Jesus to the table. Eph 5:1-2: Imitate God therefore in everything we do, as we are His dear Children. Live a life full of love. God loved us and offered His life as a sacrifice for us. Eph 2:10 : We are Gods masterpiece.
We are not His masterpiece to be put on a shelf to do nothing. We are created anew in Christ Jesus. Julia comments that she is so glad that we who have found Christ are not who we used to be. Each day we must die to our self. Die to our old nature.
We are alive. Not dead. We've all got an opportunity to serve Him. We are alive in Christ so that we can do the good things that He planned for us to do, long ago.