Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sisterhood. Bobbie H. Esther

If we can stay the path, and fight the good fight, with confidence and truth, this will be our perfect ending. 

“I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith." 2 Timothy‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭AMP‬‬

If we stay faithful to His path and calling, honouring Him in our everyday lives, then He is faithful to restore what the canker wood has stolen

Regret = One day; some day. 

Bobbie exhorts us to awaken, and live out the divine potential within us. 

Esther:  There was so much potential within her. In the bible we can see the feminine heart of God in her life. She lived beyond herself and lived for others.

Bobbie then asked: Do I have enough heritage to steer me into my reality? We may not have a praying family, or come from a line of Christians.  We may be the first one saved in our family [editor: as I am], BUT, we have access to a church family that can steer us in the right direction. 

Where does courage come from? We can be positioned if we abide in His House (heavenly and church), engraft the Word on our hearts, and participate in the community of Christ and beyond.

Legacy - is my world view to live beyond myself and live for others?

Esther was destined. She was a beautiful woman who embraced her destiny. Esther is a stunning example of purpose and justice, as a result of finding herself uniquely positioned in the Kings courts. She chose not to put her own comfort above that of her people, and thus found her destiny. She chose to stand up for those without voice. Prov 31. Step into the gap. For such a time as this.

Background of Esther. Bobbie then discussed, briefly, the background of Esther; noting, that her life wasn't as glamorous as we may imagine.  In all likelihood, as an orphan, she was human trafficked into the kings household, and her liberty was removed from her, while she prepared to be presented to the king as a potential wife.  She would have been brought to his chamber as a virgin so that he could take that from her, and then she would have been 'thrown away', BUT as the incumbent queen was removed, she then had the opportunity to become Queen.

When we realise we are chosen then destiny and favour come into play.  If we don't realise we are chosen by God, then we won't be in position, and our stance will not be right. 

Bobbie exhorts us to have; Wisdom, Guts and Prayer. 

She then noted that she had additional thoughts to her Colour message [editor: I will post my notes to those sessions (items 1-7) soon].   

8. Legacy never gets old. If Esther had chosen not to act, she would have taken care of herself, but at the end of her life would have had regret as she would have known she could have done more. But, she chose to put herself on the line for the generations that followed. 

Bobbie then expands on what it means for the girl with Legacy in her heart and eyes:

1.The girl with legacy in her heart and eyes has; a growing and tangible revelation of heaven. 
  • The phrase; 'I can't see it, but I can feel it' resonates in her heart. 
  • Jesus is closer than we know. 
  • Without a sense of heaven above life feels shallow. 
  • My life choices and decisions will matter. 
  • Legacy begins wherever  it begins (and whenever you decide to act) and threads its way into the streets of heaven. 
  • When we come out in the night it matters. 
  • God marries the eternal with the everyday. 
  • Jer 29:11. Every day is given with an eternal perspective/purpose. 
  • Jer 29:5-6v7 seek, the peace and welfare of our community.  Welfare = Health, happiness, fortune, comfort, safety, good, success, advantage. 

2. Gets the generational factor. Ps 145:1-7. Generation after generation is in awe of Your work.  We are a people who bless His name. God has marked us for something special. Share our faith and tell our stories. She recommends to read Hab 1 & 2 which is an end time prophecy. 

3. Is a chip off the old block. We are to be like the lovely shepherd King of Psalm 23. Our desire is to shepherd people. Guide them. In John 21 Peter is exhorted 3 times.  We are to be the proof of His love and to care for people. 

4. Presses on regardless. Like the reality of seasoned bravery, pressing on is not always romantic. Pressing on is a decision. We are to be fuelled by His love and determination. Disciplined to press on with a holy conviction.  Staying true to legacy. 

5. Battle is not optional. We have a spiritual enemy who is defeated, but not yet destroyed. In Christ he is defeated, but not destroyed. Until he is reminded he will continue to destroy. We are to stand on God's word and declare 'No!  In Jesus' name, you are defeated.' The enemy is defeated according to His word and Calvary.

6. Her heart is tethered to His. We are anchored to Him. Christ's love wraps itself around us

7. Realises that legacy is contagious. 
  • "Neurones in the brain that fire together, wire together.": Dr Robi. 
  • When we walk together, we sharpen one another; we make each other better by empowering one another.  
  • Gather, equip, mobilise is essential = Message of Sisterhood. Beyond human marketing.
  • We have stewardship of something, and then God breathes on it and it ignites and has more impact than we could ever hope or imagine. 
  • Company of women consumed with bringing generations Home (heaven).
8. Assignment needs boldness. Esther chose boldness. We should decide to live a life that has 'no time to maintain regrets'. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Colour 2016 Opener - Bobbie Houston 7/3/2016

[note - few edits have been completed]

We can Be Found in His Garden. We are gathering for Him. we should expect miracles through the word and worship, in His House, but miracles also take place out and about. Keep your heart open & ready to receive. 

Bobbies prayer coming into conference.

  1. To inspire faith. That will astound. Arm you and I for the journey ahead. Faith that will open our eyes anew. And unlock the impossible.
  2. Believing that this atmosphere will be an oasis of water. A spiritual oasis. Some ar win the wilderness. Their soul is parched. They need refreshing. Spirit of God is here. Cast all our cares on Him.  Re enter our lives with new resolve and courage.
  3. Believing, praying and trusting, that what will transpire from this gathering won't be just another wave of women but a tsunami. 


Col 1:25-23
“We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels— everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body.  He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross.” Colossians‬ ‭1:15-18‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Vision: Bobbie talks about a person [don't recall their name] who has a vision (200 years ago) of His Church as the body of Christ.  She describes it as arising on the earth. The body was not well, gaping welts, gangrene down one side. It had hands and feet but no fingers or toes. 

The angel in her dream, as she was distressed, reassured her that all will be well, it will heal. If the body is fed correctly, it will heal itself. As the church nurtures itself, one another, other denominations, believes in one another, cares for one another. One in spirit, heart, kindred. As we build each other up, we heal the body.

Last 200 years, toes may be growing as they bring balance. Hard without fingers for the human fine touch that God wants the church to exemplify, but Bobbie now feels is growing fingers. She's [Church - Christi Body] not perfect. She will be perfect in the end, she has been assailed, both from within the church and without. 

V18. There is no other message, just this one, every creature gets the same message.

Col 2:2-4 Woven into a tapestry of love. Minds confident and at rest. Gods great mystery. 

When we say 'be found in the mystery'. What does that mean to me personally?  The true and revealed mystery of God we will spend eternity to fathom. First 1000 years in our faces.  

The creative team asked themselves this question when preparing for conference. Don't get tangled up in it. Bobbie believes it is simply the beauty of the gospel. She is grateful that the Father chose not to abandon us. That Father, Son and Spirit could not bear the thought that we wouldn't make it home and not experience all they had prepared. The Word promises that God will take the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe, and properly fix and fit it together in vibrant harmony through Christs' poured out blood. THIS is the mystery of the ages.

God is the Divine Gardner, The Great Architect. So that we don't have to fear that we will screw up the end. 

Bobbie prayers that during conference another layer will peel in our hearts. She encouraged us not  to walk away from His gift. Be grounded and tune in to His message; don't be distracted.

Part 1. Handful of things that never get old.

  1. Worship never gets old. Ps 91 that place = secret place, shadow of the almighty. Place that is worthy to be found. Gen 28 Heaven is in this house. Jacob dreamed a dream, that was more than a dream. Sees a staircase. Ladder, a evens ascending and descending with God at the top. He stands above and beside us. Surely the lord is in this place. It never gets old because 1) God is closer than we know. 2) response of salvation and the sound of heaven. 3) mystery of this well within, where deep calls to deep. If the well is unlocked it becomes an unstoppable force, refreshes us and others. John 7:38 rivers of living water. Ps 42:7 deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.  Pour out his spirit upon all flesh. Be still and know that he is God, listen in.
  2. Knowing you're Royal never gets old. Signature 'daughter of a king' message, not forgotten, but Royal. This revelation changes our stance.  When women in general realise they are Royal they don't allow themselves to self-sabotage. Our own worst enemy is our worse enemy. Our own dismissal of ourselves. Behaviour changes when we know that we are Royal. Behaviour has to change. Authority changes as we understand that the royal blood of JC is flowing through us, we are not subject to the winds that come, mind of Christ. Asking changes, the way we ask. We are not petitioning a mean God but our Heavenly Father. Being comfortable in the throne room changes after this revelation. Ps 45 forget your fathers house.the king is wild for you. When you are Royal you learn to be comfortable in adversity. Get your Royal on. 
  3. Calling, mandate & mantle never get old. 1) they are the beckoning of heaven and the beckoning of the fields. Great commission. Heaven and earth cry out, the rocks cry out. Matt 22:14 many are called but few are chosen. Make my life an offering to the kind. Be vintage. Isaiah 51 vineyard vintage crop alas it brought forth  the sour.  Be visible and pick worthy. When the eyes of the lord scout the earth to see who is willing. Find my mantle and wear it with ease. Ps 45 Royal daughter is all glorious within her palace. Don't get weary in the calling. Own the space. Tv channel. Seasoned bravery comes with a lifetime of battles engaged, endured and won. The brave girl = it's so romantic, until you meet the lion, or arena. Learn to endure until the end. In JC the battle is won. Rene Brown 'Daring Greatly' - change the dialogue and narrative in the public sector.  "it is not the critic who counts, not the strongman. Man in the arena. The credit belongs to the man who strives to do the deeds. Great enthusiasm and devotions. There is no bravery unless you are prepared to be vulnerable." 
  4. Being the right girl, in the right place, at the right time, never gets old.  Live in the here now.

Right girl - never changes. Rom 8:29 predestined. He planted us in this moment. Right time never changes. Planted us here and now, for his purpose. For such a time as this.

To be continued...